7 Basic SEO Mistakes to Avoid

With tons of online content being created, published, and promoted, and changing search behaviour and varying user intent, the race to capture audiences’ attention has never been more competitive.

Up your SEO game by avoiding these 8 mistakes:

1. Neglecting image optimization

Images add value to your website and your content. Also, they can help you up your SEO game. Make sure to optimize image size for each screen size to ensure faster page loading time. Also, make sure all alt text and image filenames contain relevant keywords.

2. Neglecting redirecting or broken links

Many sites have links that redirect to the target page instead of linking directly. One best way to identify links that are broken and redirect is to conduct a technical audit.

3. Not taking advantage of Local SEO

If you are a small business owner and haven’t leveraged Local SEO, then you are missing out on bigger opportunities. Make sure to claim and optimize your Google My Business listing for better ranking and reach. If you are looking for the right SEO company in Kolkata to leverage Local SEO, Indus Net TechShu can help you do it the right way.

4. Having less content in many blog categories

If you create many blog categories and have less number of content in each, you may hurt your crawl budget by signalling thin content to search engines. Make sure to thoroughly assess your blog section and remove orphaned contents and the tags and categories you’ve used for them.

5. Not leveraging external links

It goes without saying that you can add more credibility and user-friendliness to your website by using quality external sources. When doing so, make sure the external links open in a new window to make it easy for users to go back and stay engaged with your content.

6. Neglecting site speed

Faster sites not only provide a better user experience but also have a better crawl rate. Google PageSpeed Insights is one of the best site speed tools you can use to test your site’s speed. Based on the score, you can take help from top digital marketing agencies such as Indus Net TechShu to optimize your site’s speed.

7. Neglecting internal linking

People, who are attracted to your content, are interested for more. By using internal links that direct to other pages in your website, you not only keep your audience engaged, but also increase visit time in your website.

For a search engine optimization service that suits your needs, choose Indus Net TechShu

SEO experts at Indus Net TechShu can help you create an effective SEO strategy that meets your business requirements. Get in touch with Indus Net TechShu at https://techshu.com.

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